Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Save a Place for Me,,,

Please pray for her hubby and sweet, sweet boys...they will miss her something awful. She has left them many sweet reminders of her but I hope they never forget how much she fought to stay with them and how much she loved them.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
*Took a family vacation to Florida to celebrate Emilee's 21st Birthday...we were there 2 glorious weeks this past June
*Boys started High School
*Garrett plays tennis
Levi is a football player
*Had a Luau to celebrate some summer Birthdays
*Went on a work retreat for my Literacy job
*Still work for Dr Jay
*Met Miss Emilee's New Fella...Big Steve ( he is great!!)
*Trying to deal with ailing parents...Papaw had a stroke and Grandma Val's neuropothay is BAD!
*Friend from Canada visits
*Football Starts!!!
*Cut my hair's grown back some
*Emm starts back to collage ...can't believe she's a JR already...she takes the LSAT this year
*Build houses for the homeless
*Connected with an old friend...that always feels good
*Finally got to visit with my new skinny friend Christy
*Praying for my sweet friend Michal...gave up on chemo and is ready for Gods plan
*Cory and Ashley got engaged and the boys will be groomsmen 2011
* A young man (10th grade) that the boys played football with for years killed himself...Tragic
Although life has been a bit trying lately I must tell you that God has been so good and church has been awesome. We are so blessed and I feel God doing a work in all of us. I have had moments of extreme sadness and frustration but thank goodness they are never lasting. I know this is the holy spirit. I am hopeful and I do hope everyone in blog land knows that kind of hope.
May this new week bring you a beautiful reminder that you are never ALONE!!
Big Hugs