Thursday, September 10, 2009


Boy did I have a great day yesterday. I felt your prayers and I knew God was working behind the scenes but I got an amazing surprise yesterday...a $2 raise for the grant job I do. That just does not happen. I mean really I have been doing this gig for 5-6 years and NEVER had a raise!!! It was so cool to me how it was just all taken care of. He is so amazing.
Bonus: Hubby went to the other house and a neighbor came out and said her sister may be interested in our old house.

So, thank you all for the prayers and know that we are working our way through this valley!!


Jennifer said...

YA!!!! God is so good! Glad things are looking up!!



holly said...


I am so happy for you and Mike! I do hope that you can sell your Ingalls home and put all of that behind you.

Congrats on your awesome is that! You soooooo deserve it:)

God is the true giver of all things!

Love you,
