Here are a few things I've been working on. It's a must to spread the cheer at my hubby's work so mugs for the girls and warm socks and gloves for all the hard working guys.
I also made some snowmen hats to give to a couple of my friends . They are so cute, a friend gave me the pattern and I just loved it.
Now, this year a couple of my friends and I did a cookie dough exchange and the buckets are my dough. It was so fun to come home with dough to bake at my leisure. We have always done a traditional cookie exchange and I really like the dough idea. Tomorrow is baking day and I love that because my kids help and we listen to Christmas music and just have a great time being at home and being together.
Hope whatever you're working on brings you lots of joy!!
Good morning! Wow it looks like you have been very busy! I'm just starting this weekend! Oh my gosh...where do you start. I love your dough buckets. Great idea! have a blessed weekend!
wow is right! You have been busy and the gifts look great!
thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad you are spreading the idea of the Christmas jar. Our's is overflowing now and my kids can hardly wait for Christmas Eve to give it away! :)
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